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Military Garrison in the British Isles

#Military Garrison in the British Isles | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Military Garrison in the British Isles The flag of the Military Garrison in the British Isles Official name Military Garrison in the British Isles (Militärverwaltung der Britischen Inseln) Common name Plymouth, Cornwall Language(s) German, English Capital Plymouth Government/party Military Garrison in the British Isles Ideology Stratocratic Nazism subideology.pngStratocratic Nazism Faction Einheitspakt Head of state Generaloberst Franz Halder Currency Reichsmark Established 1943

The Military Garrison in the British Isles is a German military administration located in the English city of Plymouth, which is de jure part of the Kingdom of England. They are a member of the Einheitspakt. Plymouth is seen by many as a symbol of the German domination of the British isles. Many in Plymouth want to rejoin England.


Before the war, Plymouth was part of the United Kingdom, as part of one of its main constituents, the Kingdom of England. After the war the royal family fled to Canada with the American relief force, and the British Empire (and with it, the United Kingdom) fell apart: the colonies either seceded or swore their loyalty to the Canadian government-in-exile, Northern Ireland was awarded to the Republic of Ireland for their help in supplying Operation Sea Lion, Scotland and Wales seceded as independent republics to avoid full German occupation, and England, now a rump state, was put under a collaborationist regime led by the reinstated King Edward VIII, who was forced to accept a German garrison in Plymouth, as an "insurance policy" of his loyalty.

The German's presence in Plymouth is no chance: while the Reich allowed the defeated enemy to maintain formal independence and a democratic government - mainly for fear of constant rebellions and guerrillas, which the overextended Wehrmacht can hardly afford - this didn't mean it trusted the collaborationist regime to actually keep the people in check. Thus, the Plymouth Governorate was born: far enough from London to let the English government breathe, but close enough to France to allow quick redeployment and reinforcing if needed, the Plymouth Military Garrison will ensure England's loyalty, or its full destruction.

In times of peace, the garrison mainly acts as a military police for the former Home Islands, conducting anti-resistance operations across England, Wales and Scotland, who are forced to open their borders with the threat of German retaliation. Should a full-scale rebellion occur, however, the garrison is always ready to fully mobilize and crush the uprising in its cradle: being already inside the British Isles, they can strike anywhere within a few hours with infantry, armor and air support, or they can at least resist and secure landing points for the main retaliation force as it arrives from the mainland.


While England's fate was not kind in any way, Plymouth faced an even more humiliating fate: while formally part of the Kingdom of England, in truth London's government holds no authority there, as the province is de facto fully administered by the Germans, in the form of the Plymouth Military Garrison and its officers, with Generaloberst Franz Halder, commander of the garrison, acting as the highest military and civilian authority.

As such, the Garrison is not even a puppet or a Reichskommissariat, but an extension of the German Reich itself, a mere military jurisdiction under the authority of the Plymouth Garrison, in the person of its highest-in-rank officer, who receives his orders directly from Germania.

The state of the Governorate

While, in twenty years of peace, most of the Wehrmacht has descended into a state of mismanagement and decadence, Generaloberst Franz Halder has led the garrison with proverbial Prussian efficiency, and kept his forces in top shape thanks to a carefully executed political operation: exploiting his fame as the general who conquered Poland, he attracted recruits from the families of the old Prussian nobility. His reputation, combined with the lobbying power of the aforementioned families (who wouldn't like to see their sons killed because their rifles jammed) granted him the lobbying power to always get the best supplies for his men.

Things are, however, not looking bright: as the Fuhrer's health declines, the Reich looks on the brink of civil war among the various pretenders to Hitler's legacy. Halder has no intention of joining the fray, since killing fellow Germans is the most dishonourable thing in his eyes, but this doesn't mean he is safe. Rebel activities have spiraled in the last years, straining the garrison's forces, and with very little chance of reinforcements from Europe, Halder may have to face his greatest challenge ever: stranded with a small force in a foreign and hostile land, the old Prussian general will have to call on all the experience he has gained in his long and distinguished service, to ensure that he and his soldiers, who he considers as sons, don't get slaughtered to the last.

V • E Nations as of January 1st, 1962 Americas USA.png United States of America • 1200px-Canadian Red Ensign (1957–1965).svg.png Dominion of Canada • 1920px-Flag of Mexico.svg.png United Mexican States • Guatemala.PNG Republic of Guatemala • 1024px-Flag of Belize (1981-2019).svg.png Republic of Belize • El Salvador.PNG Republic of El Salvador • Honduras.PNG Republic of Honduras • Nicaragua.PNG Republic of Nicaragua • Costa Rica.PNG Republic of Costa Rica • Panama.PNG Republic of Panama • Cuba quality.png Republic of Cuba • 1280px-Flag of Haiti (1964–1986).svg.png Republic of Haiti • Dominican Republic.PNG Dominican Republic • 1200px-Flag of the West Indies Federation (1958–1962).png West Indies Federation • Flag of suriname tno.webp Suriname • Colombia.PNG Republic of Colombia • Venezuela.PNG Republic of Venezuela • Flag of Guyana.png Co-operative Republic of Guyana • Ecuador.PNG Republic of Ecuador • Peru.PNG Republic of Peru • Bolivia.PNG Republic of Bolivia • Paraguay.PNG Republic of Paraguay • FlagofBrazil.png United States of Brazil • Uruguay.PNG Oriental Republic of Uruguay • Argentina quality.png Argentine Republic • Chile.PNG Republic of Chile Europe Iceland.png Icelandic Occupied Zone • Scotland.png Republic of Scotland • England 2.png Kingdom of England • 1200px-Flag of Wales (1959–present).svg.png Republic of Wales • Flag cornwall.png Governorate of Cornwall • Ulster quality.png Northern Counties Special Zone • 1280px-Flag of Ireland.svg.png Republic of Ireland • Germany.png Greater Germanic Reich • 1200px-Flag of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.png Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia • Ggn.png General Governorate of the Vistula • Burgundy.png SS State of Burgundy • Niederlande.png Reichskommissariat Niederlande • 740px-Flag of Denmark.svg.png Kingdom of Denmark • Norwegen Quality.png Reichskommissariat Norwegen • Ostland.png Reichskommissariat Ostland • Ukraine.png Reichskommissariat Ukraine • Moskowien-0.png Reichskommissariat Moskowien • Kaukasia.png Reichskommissariat Kaukasien • Vichy.png French State • Swiss flag.png Swiss Confederation • 1200px-Flag of Slovakia (1939–1945).png Slovak Republic • 800px-Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).png Kingdom of Hungary • Romania quality.png Kingdom of Romania • Flag of Montenegro.png Kingdom of Montenegro • Serbian Government of National Salvation flag.png Serbian Republic • 1200px-Flag of Bulgaria.png Kingdom of Bulgaria • Italian Albania Flag.png Kingdom of Albania • Italy quality.png Italian Empire • 800px-Flag of Independent State of Croatia.png Independent State of Croatia • 800px-Flag of Greece (1822-1978).svg.png Hellenic State • Vatican.png Vatican City • San marino.png Republic of San Marino • Monac.jpg Principality of Monaco • Andorra.png Principality of Andorra • Iberia.png Iberian Union • Sweden.png Kingdom of Sweden • Fin.png Republic of Finland • Tno onega.png Anti-Communist Volunteer Guard • Tno wrrf.png West Russian Revolutionary Front • Ukhta.png Ukhta Military District • Plesetsk.png Plesetsk Military District • Vorkuta.png Vorkuta Corrective Labor Camp • Yugra2.PNG Thief Territory of Yugra • Zlatoust flag.png Zlatoust Republic • Gaynski.png Order of Saint George • Komi Quality.png Komi Republic • Vologda Quality.png Neutral State of Vologda • Gorky Quality.png Gorky Tank Brigade • Tatarstan.PNG Tatar Republic • Vyatka.PNG Principality of Vyatka • Aryan Brotherhood flag.png Aryan Brotherhood • Bashkiria Quality.png Islamic Republic of Bashkurdistan • Tno ural.png Ural League • Magnitogorsk.png People's Republic of Magnitogorsk • Tno dirlebrigade.png Dirlewanger Brigade • Orenburg.png Orenburg Communes • Samara flag.png Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia • Nowa polska.png Polish Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Africa Vichy.png French Algeria • Flag of Tunisia.png Kingdom of Tunisia • Egypt wikia.png Kingdom of Egypt • Africa Orientale Italiana.png Italian East Africa • 1024px-Flag of Free France (1940-1944).svg.png Free French Liberation Forces • Liberia.PNG Republic of Liberia • Zentralafrika good.png Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika • Rk ostafrika tno.png Reichskommissariat Ostafrika • Sudwestafrika.png Reichskommissariat Südwestafrika • Sara Republic.png Sara Republic • Kanem.png State of Kanem • Air.png Sultanate of Aïr • Cameroon Quality.png Cameroon African State • Oduduwa-Republic.jpg Free Yorubaland • Tno Gbeland.png Gbeland Republic • Zarmaland.png Military Authority of Zarmaland • TNO Ghana flag.png Republic of Ghana • BKF.png Republic of Mossiland • Sokoto.png Sultanate of Sokoto • Azawad.png Tuareg Confederation of Azawad • Mali.png Republic of Mali • Flag of Mendi.png Mendi • 1024px-Flag of The Gambia.svg.png Republic of the Jola • Wolofia.png Republic of Wolofia • 1024px-Flag of Guinea.svg.png Republic of Guinea • Mauritania.png Islamic State of Mauritania • Southafricaflag.png Union of South Africa Middle East 1200px-Flag of Turkey.png Republic of Turkey • Italian Levant.png Governorate of the Levant • SNS Flag.png Syrian National State • Mosul and Kerkuk Flag.png Mosul and Kerkuk • Oman and Muscat.PNG Sultanate of Muscat and Oman • 1280px-Flag of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen.png Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen • 1024px-Flag of Saudi Arabia (1938–1973).png Kingdom of Saudi Arabia • Iraqi Republic.png Iraqi Republic • 289px-State flag of Iran (1964–1980).svg.png Imperial State of Iran Central Asia Afghanistan quality.png Kingdom of Afghanistan • Tno tukrmenistan.png Socialist Republic of Turkmenistan • KirgizSR Flag.png Kyrgyz Socialist Republic • TNO Flag of Tajik SSR.png Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic • TNO Flag People's Republic of Uzbekistan.png People's Republic of Uzbekistan • TNO Flag Turkestan Legion.png Turkestan Legion • People's Republic of Karakalpakstan Flag.png People's Republic of Karakalpakstan • Tno Khromtau.png National Republic of Aktobe • Kazakh SSR.png Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic • Pavlodar quality.png Republic of Pavlodar • Kazakh Khanate.png Khanate of Kokshetau • Kustmay.png Islamic Republic of Kostanay Siberia Tyumen.png West Siberian People's Republic • Sverdlovsk Quality.png Ural Military District • Free Aviators.png Free Aviators • Tomsk.PNG Central Siberian Republic • Omsk.png Siberian Black League • Novosibirsk.png Federation of Novosibirsk and Altay • Oyrotia.PNG Karakorum Government of Oyrotia • Kemerovo flag.png Principality of Kemerovo • Flag of Krasnoyarsk.png Provisional Government of Krasnoyarsk • SBA Quality.png Siberian Black Army • Free Organ.png People's Revolutionary Council • Irkutsk-0.png Presidium of the Supreme Soviet • Tno buryatia.png Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic • Chita flag.png Transbaikal Principality • Magadan flag.png Free State of Magadan • Amur flag.png All-Russian Government of Amur • Yakutia.PNG Sakha Republic • Unorganized Siberian Territories • Kamchatka.png The Pacific Fleet East Asia Japanflag.png Empire of Japan • 800px-Flag of Manchukuo.svg.png Empire of (Great) Manchuria • RoC.png Republic of China • Guangdong.png Guangdong Special Administrative Region • Xikang flag diy.png Xikang • Big Ma.png Ma Clique • Xinjiang Clique.png Xinjiang Clique • Tibet.PNG Kingdom of Tibet South Asia Indian flag.png Republic of India • Free India.png Government of Free India • Bhutan.png Autonomous Province of Bhutan • Nepal 2.png Kingdom of Nepal Southeast Asia & Oceania 1024px-Flag of the State of Burma (1943–1945).svg.png State of Burma • 1280px-Flag of Thailand.png Republic of Thailand • TNO Flag of Kampuchea.png Kingdom of Kampuchea • Flag of Laos.png Republic of Laos • Shonan marai gunseibu.webp Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai • North Borneo quality.png North Borneo Military Administration • 1024px-Flag of Indonesia.svg.png Republic of Indonesia • 1280px-Flag of the Philippines (1943-1945).svg.png Republic of the Philippines • Australia flag.png Commonwealth of Australia • 2000px-Flag of New Zealand.svg.png New Zealand






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